Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Debugging tips - continued

After my post about the excellent tutorial by Thomas Tempelmann (previous post), I decided to play around with a simple profiling class. I have commented the source, so it should be fairly self explanatory, but I will explain how to use it after the source code:

Class Profiler

    Sub Constructor(name as String)
        ' This should only be executed in debug mode
        #if DebugBuild

            ' First create the indent string, this will save time later on
            Dim Index As Integer=0
            While Index<mDepth
                mIndent=mIndent+"    "
            ' Store the name of the method
            mName = name
            ' Increase the indent depth for the next instance
            ' Display the 'Entered" method
            System.DebugLog mIndent + "<"+name+"> Entered"
            ' Store off the time the constructor finished creation.
            ' We do this at the end of the constructor so that the rest of the 
            ' constructor has minimal impact on the time calculations


    End Sub

    Sub Destructor()
        ' This should only be executed in debug mode
        #if DebugBuild

            'Calculate the time the methhod took to execute
            'This is done straight away for a more accurate value
            Dim ExecTime As Double=Microseconds-mStart
            'Display the "Exited" message and the execution time of the method
            System.DebugLog mIndent + "<"+mName+"> Exited"
            System.DebugLog mIndent + "<"+mName+"> Execution Time = " + Str(ExecTime) + " Micro Seconds"
            'Reduce the indent depth for the next instance

    End Sub

    Private mIndent As String
    Private mName As String
    Private mStart As Double

    Private Shared mDepth As Integer

End Class

To use this class to see how well your methods perform, all you need to do is place the following line at the beginning of the method you wish to test:

Dim p As New Profiler(MethodName)

Replace MethodName with the name of your method.

As the instance of the class is destroyed when it goes out of scope, there is not need to call manually call a destructor.

Now, whenever the method is executed, it will send entries to the system log.
On OS X, these can be viewed in the Console and should look something like this:

15/05/2012 17:58:05 [0x0-0x91091].My Application.debug[4452] <BevelButton Action> Entered 
15/05/2012 17:58:05 [0x0-0x91091].My Application.debug[4452]     <Test> Entered 
15/05/2012 17:58:05 [0x0-0x91091].My Application.debug[4452]     <Test> Exited 
15/05/2012 17:58:05 [0x0-0x91091].My Application.debug[4452]     <Test> Execution Time = 12 Micro Seconds 
15/05/2012 17:58:05 [0x0-0x91091].My Application.debug[4452]     <Test> Entered 
15/05/2012 17:58:05 [0x0-0x91091].My Application.debug[4452]     <Test> Exited 
15/05/2012 17:58:05 [0x0-0x91091].My Application.debug[4452]     <Test> Execution Time = 11 Micro Seconds 
15/05/2012 17:58:05 [0x0-0x91091].My Application.debug[4452] <BevelButton Action> Exited 
15/05/2012 17:58:05 [0x0-0x91091].My Application.debug[4452] <BevelButton Action> Execution Time = 141 Micro Seconds 

Note, the method Test was called from within BevelButton Action, therefore, the log is indented automatically for readability.

As a little side note, I have used conditional compilation, so that the log entries are only generated if the application is executed from within the Real Studio IDE, this means that it would be safe to leave the calls in when deploying the application, however, it would be better if they were removed before release.

If you wish to download this class, I have made it available here.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Project Templates

A number of my Real Studio projects have required me to add things such as a Windows menu, for the open windows in a project, and a "Open Recent" menu.
Now while it isn't a bother to create these for each project, I began to think that there must be a better way to spend my time, rather than coding the same thing over and over.
Fortunately, Real Studio allows the use of project templates. In fact, any Real Studio user has already seen the project templates when they start up Real Studio. But what may not be apparent is that you can also add your own templates. It is a very simple process:

  1. Create your skeleton project
  2. Save it in the Project Templates folder within the Real Studio folder

And that is it.

What I have now done, is created some extra projects templates for some common scenarios I come across. I would also be possible to add things such as About windows, or even a skeleton Settings window. If you find yourself using the same custom controls repeatedly (like I do with my own NumberEdit control), then simply create a default project containing the controls and save it in the Templates folder.
I would, however, recommend not changing the existing projects. There may be a time when you need the bare bones that Real Studio offers you, but that is not a problem. As far as I can tell, the IDE will allow as many project templates as you would like.

Here is a quick shot of the Real Studio New Project window on my Mac to demonstrate this. I have highlighted my custom project templates:

Real Software: Debugging Tips

This is an excellent tip for debugging complex projects and methods. As Thomas states at the end of the blog, it can also be used for a simple form of profiling too, so it would be possible to see how long a particular method takes to execute.

Real Software: Debugging Tips: In this article I am going to share a nifty way to help with debugging your code.  There are times when you need to figure out which methods...