Tuesday, 11 March 2014

New Xojo version 2014 r1 Is Out

Good news for Apple developers using Xojo. Version 2014 r1 has been released. This version apparently addresses the Quicktime and QTKit issues when submitting apps to the App store.I have yet to try this myself, but from what I hear, things are working great.
What does this mean for me and Krazy Pengwin Games? Well, this means that I can produce applications in a much tighter time scale. Whilst working directly with Objective-C and Cocoa was an eye opening experience, and one which I surprisingly enjoyed, using Xojo will speed up development ten-fold. There are certain things in Cocoa that I will miss in Xojo (bindings and speed in particular), but I think the speed of development and the ease of code maintenance will outweigh those for most projects, as will the SQLLite integration. I am sure there are times when I will need the speed of native programming, in which case I will go back to Objective-C, but at least, after this learning experience, I have the choice now.